Allergic rhinitis is a group of symptoms affecting the nose such as runny nose, congestion, sneezing and itchy eyes. These symptoms occur when you breathe in something you are allergic to, such as dust, animal dander, or pollen. Allergic rhinitis affects between 20% and 40% of people.
How to use a nasal spray (video)
How to use a saline sinus rinse (video)
Allergy Shots (Immunoterapy)
Nonallergic rhinitis
Allergic shiners, Dennie's lines, Allergic salute, Nasal crease, Postnasal drip
Action plan for rhinitis
Advice for avoidance of allergens in Spanish, from Mission Allergy, En Español
Treatment Options for Allergic Rhinitis (AR) (click to enlarge the image). En Español.
Mixed rhinitis (click to enlarge the image).
Dust mite avoidance (click to enlarge the image).
Allergic Rhinitis vs. Food Allergy - Efficacy of different treatment approaches (click to enlarge the image).
Allergic Rhinitis - Only 3 ways to control allergies (click to enlarge the image).
Allergic (atopic) march (click here to enlarge the image). Allergic (Atopic) March refers to the natural history or typical progression of allergic diseases that often begin early in life. These include atopic dermatitis (eczema), food allergy, allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and asthma.
What to expect when visiting an allergy clinic
Current allergy skin tests are virtually painless. This video by Dr. Bassett, a board-certified allergist from New York City, shows what to expect when visiting an allergy clinic for diagnosis and treatment:
Image source: Wikipedia, Creative Commons license.
Published: 09/15/2007
Updated: 12/08/2018
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